MemberTalk: Insight into the Club Membership Experience

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MemberTalk, announces the launch of the company today. Founded on the belief that in-depth reviews from current Members far outweighs a fitness club touting itself. MemberTalk helps prospective club Members and club owners understand what it is really like to be a Member. MemberTalk’s platform provides access to comprehensive reviews and a forum for Members to discuss their fitness club.

A recent study by Northwestern University found that displaying reviews on your website can increase conversion dramatically. The study concluded that 5 or more reviews to a website that previously had none increased sign-up conversion by 270%. The study also found that the higher the price and consideration of an item, the more that reviews impacted the purchasing decision for consumers. Club memberships are a great example of a high consideration purchase as Members are making a personal commitment and are likely using the Club multiple times per week.

“Prospective Members trust the voice of your current Members. Clubs all sound the same with how they market themselves. Most clubs don’t use their Members voice in their marketing efforts, on their websites or in their sales efforts. A quote from a Member is far more powerful than what a Club says about itself, we can help Clubs scale their Member stories and unleash those stories throughout the prospective Member journey” said Darin Alpert, chairman of MemberTalk. For more information about MemberTalk, please visit