Congressional Staff Member Contracts MRSA

WASHINGTON, DC -- A House of Representatives staff member has contracted Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) after working out in the House Staff Fitness Center (HSFC), according to multiple media outlets who cite the congressional newspaper The Hill as their source.

The HSFC has since been scoured with a disinfectant. The House gym’s wellness and fitness coordinator, Kathy Zumbar, said in an e-mail that the infected employee, whose identity has not been revealed, will stay away from the HSFC until the condition has healed completely, The Hill reports.

The fitness center has since increased its signage reminding members to wipe down equipment after each use. The HSFC has also added more paper towel dispensers, according to the newspaper.

There have not been any further reports of infection at the fitness center.