First Word

A New Look

As you may have noticed looking at the first few pages of this issue, we've made some changes in the magazine this month. We still defy conventional publishing parameters by starting the text of our top news story on the cover, but we've opened the cover a bit and made it less “boxed.” Lighter is how I'd describe the new look for the inside of the book. Gone are the heavy department headers, replaced with lighter headers that don't distract from the headlines and graphics. We've also added more photos in our Industry Observer department to make it more visually appealing. We haven't done away with any departments or added new ones at this point — although some new ones may appear next year. We have, however, changed the name of the product department from PT&I to Pro Shop.

Soon, we will also launch a new look for our Web site, so please be on the lookout this fall. Let us know how you feel about our new design by e-mailing me at [email protected].

A Little Bragging

Although humility is a virtue, we hope you'll forgive us if we take a little space to share with you that we won four regional awards for writing in the Association of Business Publication Editors award competition. We won a gold and silver for news analysis, a gold for best series of articles, and a gold for regular column, staff written. Awards are always gratifying to receive, but we know we are far from perfect and our intent is to continue to improve our writing and reporting so that we bring you the news and analysis that you need to do your job more effectively.