Navy Commands Drop Combined 612 Pounds During Challenge

Norfolk, Va — More than 150 sailors and Department of Navy employees participated in a joint weight-loss challenge from Aug. 10 to Oct. 10 between Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command (NCDOC) Norfolk and Naval Network Warfare Command (NETWARCOM). The commands went beyond their initial goal of 500 pounds, losing a combined total of 612 pounds.

NETWARCOM won the challenge with 352 pounds lost. NCDOC lost 260 pounds.

Royal Canadian Army Sgt. Andre Gendreau lost the most weight for all male participants, losing 22 pounds.

“Competing in this event was a wonderful opportunity,” Gendreau says. “I think they should do this every year. I changed my diet while I was going through chief petty officer induction, so I had the support of my fellow chief petty officers.”

Cryptologic Technician Collection 1st Class Tracey Taylor, Cryptologic Technician Collection 2nd Class Dorothy Jimenez and Cryptologic Technician Networks 2nd Class Cami Rohor spearheaded the event that emphasized losing weight through healthy food choices and exercise.

“The 500-pound challenge was not just about the weight loss…it was about us coming together and taking control of our lives,” Taylor says. “We have already taken the first steps in reversing unhealthy trends by losing more than 600 pounds.”