Towel Tracker


Rethink Towel Management

Towel Tracker founder Steven Molewyk was inspired by a health club owner in Grand Rapids, MI, who was growing weary of patrons stealing nearly 3,500 towels a month from his facility. Stolen towels cost the business nearly $50,000 a year. “Many fitness center owners believe this is the price they must pay for doing business, but I thought there must be a better towel management solution,” Molewyk said.

How It Works

The Towel Tracker has two components: the clean towel unit and the towel return unit. Towel Tracker assigns towels to users with radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. Users access towels by swiping their ID card through the reader to open the door. Each towel is embedded with a RFID tag that provides the towel with a unique identification number. Users take the towels they want and close the door. A scanning system reads the RFID tags in the towels and assigns them to the user. As used towels are placed into the return receptacle, the system scans the RFID tags again to credit the user for their return.

Turning Towel Service into a Profit Center

“We can help businesses become more sustainable by reducing towel service costs and proactively addressing towel theft,” Molewyk said. Club owners can use the Towel Tracker to implement various payment policies for towel service: no-charge, charge-per-towel or charge-per-unreturned-towel. By encouraging responsible towel usage, patrons are less likely to leave dirty towels lying around for employees to clean up. This reduces the staff’s housekeeping efforts, enhances the appearance of the facility and improves sanitation. By promoting responsible towel usage, preventing theft and reducing utilities, Towel Tracker is an economical and environmentally friendly towel management solution.
Booth No. 2733

This company is an exhibitor at IHRSA and an advertiser in the February 2012 issue of Club Industry.